Mask wearing mandates and laws are the norm but a large number of residents in California still refuse to wear face covering. Now that some cities are fining those who choose to go mask-less, educating the public of mask-wearing requirements has become a daily function of security guards. Communicating effectively with the public is one of the key courses taught during security guard training.
California cities citing people who don’t cover their face in public include Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Monterey, Costa Mesa, Manhattan Beach, Calabasas, Glendale and Irvine.
Even where no city fines are being handed out, stores such as Walmart, Best Buy and Costco are requiring masks before entering. The same communication skills are needed to firmly yet politely explain store policy.
When security guards see a mask-less customer about to enter a store or other public area when masks are required, it’s their job to step in and patiently explain the face covering rules, often offering to provide a mask if the customer is without one.
More Than Detaining Criminals. Security guard training is more than learning how to detain criminals or to spot shoplifters. Most of a guard’s day-to-day duties involve interacting with the public. The public relations component of the guard licensing course covers verbal skills and crisis intervention.
In times like these, this training is critical.
If you think you have what it takes to be a successful security guard, Access Control Security is hiring. For more information about Access Control Security’s California guard training and to sign up for online courses, go to https://www.247GuardTraining.com.
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